e-mail: info@worldwiseconsultant.com
telephone: +1 703 628 1079
Empowering social and solidarity economy and civil society organizations to achieve
their full potential as catalysts of local socio-economic development.
Strategic and Management Consulting
We help Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) become more sustainable and resilient by increasing their capacity to meet management and strategic challenges. Working with clients and their in-country civil society partners, we conduct a thorough analysis to diagnose management problems and issues before recommending a customized approach and strategies. For strategic challenges, we work together with boards of directors and staff to review mission, vision, and values and develop a strategic plan to take their organization forward.
Case Study Example: Creating a new Professional Society in Egypt
In Cairo, Egypt, we facilitated a comprehensive strategic planning process with the founding Board of Directors of a new professional society of association executives, funded by USAID through the Agriculture Led Export Businesses project managed by Abt Associates. We collaborated with Board leaders to generate the organization's mission, vision, and core values statements. We facilitated a situational analysis by applying a SWOT tool to understand the new organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. We led governance training so Board members could understand their roles and responsibilities. We facilitated group brainstorming sessions to identify and prioritize products and services that could generate non-dues revenue.
How can we help you with strategic and management challenges? Contact us at info@worldwiseconsultant.com.